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In a couple hours the 2009 Tour Divide race, a self-supported, 2,745 miles down the spine of the Continental Divide, will have a winner. Matthew Lee, who spun to the lead at the start in Banff is now in his finishing sprint down Highway 81 south of Tissot replica watches Hachita, New Mexico. If he doesnt bonk or mechanical (hes nursed his original chain from Banff which has taken a licking in this years Old Testament weather), the Cannondale rider will win Tour Divide for the second year in a row. Hes also a Great Divide Race champion, winning that border-to-border race in 2005 and 2006. This is Matthews sixth straight year of racing the Divide.

Hes followed by Cat-1 cyclocross racer Kurt Refsnider. In third place is the tandem team of Jay and Tracey T-Race Petervary, riding and racing a tandem the complete route from Banff to Antelope Wells for the first time. The Petervarys are followed by single speeder Chris Plesko, who is positioned to break existing Divide single speed records. replica iluxury watches The race follows the Adventure Cycling Associations Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Tour Divide has no entry fee and offers no prize money. Watch the finishing sprint via the SPOT satellite leaderboard at tourdivide. Jon Billman

After a plane with 153 passengers aboard crashed in the Indian Ocean, there are reports a 14-year-old girl has survived, according to the AP. The Yemeni airliner was trying to land on the Comoros archipelago on Tuesday. There were reports of high winds and bad weather as the plane was attempting to land.Joe SpringHere we have it the replica Longines watches last installment from Jeff before the real fun starts to happen at the Breck Epic. Race Day is just six days away...Rumor has it that Brecks rainy spring means one thing: ing hero dirt according to Mike McCormack, the race director who is down right girlie giddy about the conditions. Still time to sign up. Who doesnt wanna be a hero?Vol 3: